Embark in the Swedish wilderness for 5 days New Year Retreat. Expand your awareness by exploring ways to reunion with nature and nurture our human wholeness. Nature and healing arts has throughout time offered us an intuitive connection and ways to expand our embodied liberation, creative potential and soul full expression. With nature, body and soul as our primary guide to conscious awareness we’ll embark on a transformational journey. End 2023 in a heart warm community and create space for new movements and intentions for 2024. The New Year is a powerful threshold and an opportunity to restore, re-story, listen deeply to the voice of your soul and nature – and create anew.
Together we explore healing arts and rituals to realign back to inner balance, a vibrant health and consciousness exploration. We journey with a wide range of practices as pathways to embodiment, soul care and soul encounter. We’ll explore ways to focus attention so that attention becomes intention. It’s a place to reclaim your inner balance, silence and magic – and potentially exploring more of your own soul gifts and how to bring them to the world. With nature as our greatest teacher and a community where we stand together, this retreat can strengthen our connection and relationship with the natural world, each other and renew your inner compass. The New Year retreat is a circle to dive deeply into rest, the voice of nature and honor your soul journey.
From head to feet we’ll investigate the unexplored wilderness of our bodies and unfold limbs, mind, heart and soul with movement, meditation, dance, music, singing and silence. With sauna rituals we will “sweat our prayers” and reunion with nature and the elements. The art of meditation, bodywork & yin yoga invites us to release tension and support the natural ability of body and mind to self-heal. With a variety of healing arts we arrive prepared to dive into the realm of silence, compassion and love. By doing the sacred work of healing one’s own heart, we can then be of service to others in a compassionate way. Rather than setting New Year resolutions based on self-improvement, we will set intentions from the heart of our being, celebrating the souls we are – beyond limiting beliefs and the illusion of separate self.
We will bring together wisdom from nature based communities, healing arts and embodied practice and touch upon why it’s important for continuing a healthy and sustainable existing in our modern society. It’s an invitation to celebrate our human heritage as creative creatures who can generate our own inner ecstatic pleasures through healing arts. Although our lives sometimes can be mundane, our existence is a miracle to celebrate – from the cellular to the galactic, a vast and brilliant web of connections and relations. The New Year Retreat is a circle to honor all of our relations and Earth as a gift. A place to remember, sense and fell that people and land are good medicine for each other.
Supported by the magical wilderness at Skoven Kalder we will rest, explore deeply, play wildly and catalyze new resources to bring back into our lives and our relations in the New Year.
- 5 days retreat at Skoven Kalder
- Reunion with wild nature
- Magical Rituals & New Year Ceremony
- Healing arts & embodied liberation
- Explorering your inner Wholeness
- Tending to Soul Care & Soul Gifts
- Sauna Ritual & the element
- 4 directions of the Medicin Wheel
- Meditation & Breath work
- Dance & Movement & Yin Yoga
- Body Work & Energy work
- Drum Journey
- Sharing in Circles
- Sharing the silence
- Delicious vegan eco food
- Long breaks; nap, walk and just be
- Basic luxury at Skoven Kalder
- A community to belong to
14.00-15.00: Arrival at Skoven Kalder
15.00-16.30: Intro to Retreat
16.30-18.00: Sauna & Meditation
18.00-20.00: Pause & Dinner at 19
20.00-21.30: Yin Yoga
FRIDAY 29 th of DECEMBER 2023
8.00-10.00: Meditation & Movement
10.00-11.00: Brunch
11.00-12.30: Body Work & Soul Care (AM)
12.30-16.30: Break & Snackbar at 13.
16.30-18.00: Sauna Ritual & the elements (AM)
18.00-20.00: Break & Dinner at 19.
20.00-21.30: Meditation & energy work
8.00-10.00: Meditation/Movement & Soul Journey (AM)
10.00-11.00: Brunch
11.00-12:30: Meditation & Creative writing
12.00-16.00: Break & Lunch at 13
16.00-18.00: Sauna Ritual & 4 directions (AM)
18.00-20.00: Pause & Dinner at 19
20.00-22.00: Yin Yoga & Body work
SUNDAY 31 th of JANUARY 2023
8.00-10.00: Forest walk in Silence
10.00-11.00: Brunch
11.00-12.30: Drum Journey & Soul Gifts
11.00-16.30: Lunch & Break
16.30-18.00: Dance, & Free Movement
19.00-21.00: New Year Dinner
22.30-00.15.- New Year Sauna Ritual
MONDAY 1th of JANUARY 2024
9.00-10.00: Brunch & making your lunch package
10.00-10.45: Body Work
11.00-13.00 Closing Circle
14.00 – Thank you, See you & Happy New Year
There can be changes in the program.
There’s silence every morning and please feel free to invite in what you need during the retreat. Participants – max 16 persons
* 4. PERS. ROOM – 6800 dk. kr (price pr. person (4 spots)
* 2 PERS. ROOM – 7100 (price pr. person)
* SINGLE ROOM – 7900
The price covers the 5 days stay at Skoven Kalder, all meals and teaching. Transport and your personal insurance is not included
Your payment is you sign up for the retreat.
You are welcome to pay in installments if you need it (max 3 installments).
In case of cancellation, 1/3 of the amount is refunded or you can find a friend who participates instead of you.
Please write if there is anything we should know about injuries, illness or other (eg stress, sick leave, knee injuries, epilepsy or other). Participation is at your own risk – both stay and teaching. Balanced disclaims any responsibility in connection with illness, injuries and the like. Please write to if you have anything to inform about before the retreat:
Inspiration er særligt naturfolk, shamanisme og overgangsritualet – samt mødet mellem erfaringer og praksis, der bygger bro over tid mellem kulturer. Vigtige læremestre indenfor shamanisme (og døden) er; Anette Høst & Sandra Ingermann, samt kurser med Maria Damsholt. Jeg har længe været optaget af at bevare dødens værdighed - i en vestlig verden hvor vi ofte flygter fra døden, aldring og forfald. Mit eget livsmøde med døden, den lille død og sjæletab har sendt mig på epokegørende livslæring – samt veje ind i meditationens rummelige stilhed.
Esalen Institute i Californien & ”Animas Studies” med Bill Plotkin er et centralt del i min forståelsen af ”menneskelig bevidsthed og potentiale” og deres (livs-)uddannelser i natur terapi, vision quest, svedhytter, meditation, gestalt terapi og kropligt energiarbejde m.m. Kroppens sprog og moderne dans er en livslang passion gennem 20 år og det er en bevægende bevægelsesrejse med 12 års undervisning i alsidge bevægelsespraksisser, yoga, dans og meditation. Siden 2015 har rejsen været at facilitere retreats i Danmark og Sverige og lade naturen, kroppen og sjælens stemme være vores primære vej til bevidst nærvær og livskraft. Den røde tråd er også erfaring og uddannelse indenfor HR (Cand. Soc. HRM), men et vendepunkt i livet i 2011 blev til et nyt udgangspunkt – derfor blev HR for mig til: Human Retreat.
“Skoven Kalder” is placed in magical wilderness – it’s basic luxury in the forest. Skoven Kalder means “Forrest Calling”. There a sauna by the stunning lake and a beautiful hall with a view to old tress. When you enter the main house there’s a big cosy living room and a fire place. You will be accommodated either in a double room or single room placed around the main house or in cabins 100-300 m from the main house & the showers/toilets. “Skoven Kalder” is a place everybody wan’t to come back to!
Tusind tak for et fantastisk nytårsretreat ved Skoven Kalder 2019/20. Jeg synes, det var så fint og veltil-rettelagt et program, Anne Mette og Stefan havde lagt med tid til fordybelse, ro, nærvær kombineret med saunagus og nærende sjælemad. Bedste måde at træde ind i det nye år på. Jeg giver mine var-meste anbefalinger!
Rikke, Sundhedskonsulent, 2022